Upcoming events.

Castle Plan "Defensive Tactics"
to Jun 30

Castle Plan "Defensive Tactics"

This is a 2-day course designed to instruct students on the basics of Room Clearing & Defensive Tactics while utilizing force on force scenario-based training. Students will be exposed to practical exercises and be pushed into stressful situations, learning how to process and decide. Students will utilize paint markers for realism of “being in the fight” thus giving students real-time feedback. Register at: Strategic Dynamics

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Women's Monthly Self Protection and Shoot House Scenario Training June

Women's Monthly Self Protection and Shoot House Scenario Training June

Women's Monthly Self Protection and Shoot House Scenario Training

Book Here

Do you worry about being able to defend yourself and your loved ones? How much different would your world be if you had been taught how to trust your instincts, identify and avoid threats, de-escalate, assert boundaries, and physically defend yourself? You are worth defending. The women and girls you know and love are worth defending.

WTI teaches you to function during the stress and psychological trauma of a violent encounter. Our training progression is designed to develop mental toughness and emotional resolve and help you gain power over your own fight or flight response. WTI will not tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, but help you develop options, techniques and a way of analyzing situations and applying strategies and actions that best suit you. You will leave it prepared and with a plan for likely situations of harassment, threats, stalking, sexual or violent abuse from strangers, and more often, from someone you know.

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<a href="https://squareup.com/appointments/book/bxyh8f6qqmcyfj/LCSW0E8ZP83QA/start" target="_blank">Dynamic Room Clearing Course&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;by Instructor Blue

Dynamic Room Clearing Course  by Instructor Blue

Dynamic CQB Course by Instructor Blue

Introducing Dynamic CQB: Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Training, a course that's more than just a self-protection class. This isn't about turning you into a soldier, but it is about making you a defender, capable and aware, someone ready to protect your family and home in the face of danger.

We are passionate about equipping you with the right mindset, skills, and knowledge, not to foster fear, but to nurture confidence, readiness, and situational awareness. We translate military and SWAT-grade training methods into simple, effective strategies that any ordinary citizen can employ to safeguard their family.

In this course, you will master:

- Home Defensive Strategies: Turn your home into a tactical advantage, learning how to optimize its layout for your safety.

- CQB Techniques: Understand the principles of CQB, including movement, cover, and tactical decision-making.

- Firearm Safety, Use, & Storage: Learn to safely handle, maintain, and use firearms for home defense, even under high-stress situations.

- Threat Identification & Response: Learn to anticipate and appropriately respond to threats, keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.

As veterans from military and law enforcement, we bring years of on-the-ground experience. We're not just teaching theory; but imparting practical skills and wisdom, emphasizing safety and ethical responsibility at every step.

It is Recommended that you Bring:

• Holsters will be provided, but if you have a Glock 17 compatible holster you would like to use during the course, you are welcome to bring it

• Long, loose, layered clothing and mechanic or tactical style gloves for the scenario training

• Closed toed, comfortable shoes

• Any water and snacks you would like

• There will be a lunch break and you can bring your lunch (a microwave will be available), or go to nearby: Costco, Wingstop, Subway, or


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